Spirit: Lista de Peças GCC

A Akad oferece a lista de peças GCC (Laser Spirit) para impressoras e plotters de recorte.

Parts Number Peça
12170001G Laser Power Meter
20200185G prism mounts Assembly (Spirit)
20600024G Z-axis belt.(5GT-2910-9)
20600074G X axis belt
20600075G Y axis belt
20600076G X motor belt(2GT-180-10)
20600077G Y motor belt 2GT-186-10
20900635G M/B TO K/B CABLE
20900640G Flat Cable (850mm 1.0*12PIN)
20900685G Autofocus cable (1.5mm*3 )
22800918G Working table (Spirit)
22800923G x axis slideway - Spirit
23300310G X tube chain
23400020G Control panel sticker.
24500014G Power supply PSP-600 49V (Explorer/Neptune)
24500022G MINWELL power supply 40/5v
24500023G POWER LPS-75-12 DC12V (for LED)
24500032G Power supply ALS-800-30C(Asner 800W/30V-Synrad V30)
24500037G power supply 150W LPP-150-12V - Spirit&Explorer/GAIA
24500043G Power Supply (Synrad, 600W/30V)- Mercury & Spirit
25700032G LAMP SW(HF-606C)
26500166G Window Hinge.
26500239G Y tube chain.
26500693G Window cylinder (5kg)
29001141G Z motor Assembly. (Mercury)
29002510G Y Motor PCB
29002511G X Motor PCB
29002513G LASER POWER Adapter
29002531G Y-Axis Rail Assembly(left)
29002532G Y-Axis Rail Assembly(right)
29002537G X/Y Motor assembly
29002538G X-axis Assembly
29002546G Auto focus seat Assembly.
29003104G Spirit carriage assembly-befor 20090917 I50790(mirror & lens not included)lens not included)
29003657G Red pointer Assembly - Spirit
29003905 Spirit ballast
29004278G Wheel spring Assembly (Spirit)
29004279G Small roller assembly (Spirit)
29005145G Spirit mainboard with Spirit firmware (for Service)
29005274G Spirit & S290 Keyboard Assembly
29005432G Ruler Set for X-axis (Spirit)
29005433G Ruler Set for Y-axis(Spirit)
29006010G Auto focus pin assembly
29006017G Lens carriage Assembly - New (for service)
290064950G Spirit Upgrade SLS Kits (for Service)
290067400G X Ruler-AAS for Spirit (for service)
290067410G Y Ruler-AAS for Spirit (for service)
290068530G Window(for service only)

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por Akad

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