Expert: lista de peças GCC A Akad oferece a lista de peças GCC (Expert) para impressoras e plotters de recorte. Parts Number Peça 20600100G Y-axis belt (S2M-W9-L1548) 206001910G Open Belt (S2M-3054-9) 209021590G P/B to M/B Cable (1103109) 228033400G Top Cover 24100542G Left Cover 24100543G Right Cover 24402028G Side Support Left(Black) 24402029G Side Support Right(Black) 24500068G 65W/2 output switching power supply 25700075G ON/OFF Power Switch (K/3C) 29001548G Y-Axis Idel Pulley Assembly 29001549G Carriage PCB Assembly 29002796G Carriage Assembly without PCB 29003401G Flat Cable Assembly.(101CM) - Sable 29003794G Y-Axis Pulley Asembly 29003796G Y Motor Assembly 29003804G X Motor Assembly 29003832G Pinch roller Assembly 29003965G Limit switch Assembly - Sable 29004514G AASII carriage board assembly 29005841G Control Panel Assembly 29006172G Carriage Assembly without PCB(EX-24 LX) 290067510G Assist Roller Assembly 290067670G Rear planten assembly (For service) 290067810G Front planten assembly (For service) 290069710G X Motor Assembly 290070610G Main Board with AAS II function Assembly with Expert 24 LX firmware (for Service) 290070620G Main Board with Expert 24 firmware (for Service) 290073170G Expert Pro-132 series Rear planten assembly (For service) 290073180G Expert Pro-132 series Front planten assembly (For service) Solicite um orçamento. por Akad 27/12/2010 13:43 - 16363 visualizações